In general, to find software examples (libraries) for the various GD32 families you have to select the GD32 you want to use and then from the page that appears, at the top right you will find the manuals and related software examples.
See for example below and here for GD32E230C4T6.

Other software examples and software tools can be found here, see below.

In addition to the above, remember that there are two GigaDevice sites to consult when looking for information, documentation and software on GD32, Site1, Site2.
Other Software Resources
Below are some interesting links of software examples available on the Internet.
Please take note that this is not an exhaustive listing of all repository that you can find on Internet concerning GD32.
- Here (GitHub) are 19 public repositories matching GD32
- Here (GitHub) there other are public repositories matching GD32
- AWS and FreeRTOS – GD32 invites you to experience the AWS cloud services for free
- FreeRTOS (GitHub) for GD32F407
- IAR – Adds Tool Support for GigaDevice GD32 MCUs
- KEIL – GigaDevice Overview
- Platformio – Examples for GD32
- Mbed – list of examples available