For technical info see here.
In Italy DVB-T2 will start in 15 November 2021 and will end in June 2022, more info are here (in Italian language).
For check if your TV is compliant to DVB-T2 select on it the ch.100 or ch.200, if you see it your TV is OK, otherwise you must need an external decoder.
But remember that your TV must support the HD resolution.
in Italy, for know if your TV is compliant to HD resolution select ch.501 (RAI 1 HD) or select ch.505 (Canale 5 HD).
Below there are some decoder that we have tested and some interesting links.

Edision PICCO T265
The remote control can control both the TV and the decoder itself.

Thomson THT 82
This decoder evidence a sensitivity major respect to Edision PICCO T265

- Video test of a loot of DVB-T2 decoder in Italian language are here.