The kit that we suggest for install Home Assistant is:
We suggest RASPBERRY PI 4 Model B 4GB for not have problem for future expansion.
We suggest a Bruphny container (Bruphny Case per Raspberry Pi 4) because is essential to keep the Raspberry temperature under control and in fact it contains the heat-sinks and a fan.
The uSD (Samsung uSD MB-MJ64GA PRO Endurance) is important that it is an “endurance” model and at high speed to ensure performance and long life to our system.
Home Assistant on SSD
If you need to increase the reliability of your Home Assistant system, is suggested to use an SSD instead of the uSD.
Here there is a video that explain how to do, is in Italian language.
Here there is the complete list of the: Nuova Domotica 2021 (in Italian language) concerning Home Assistant from zero.
We suggest also to see the: I pensieri dell’architetto (in Italian language) that explain in deep how to configure Home Assistant.