FUS (firmware upgrade service) is a sw used for update the STM32WB series microcontrollers.
On STM32WB NUCLEO there is preprogrammed FUS sw.
The goal of this tutorial is to show how to upgrade the FUS sw on the P-NUCLEO-WB55.
For do this are necessary some steps that are explained below.
All steps below was tested under UBUNTU 20.04.2 LTS but the same are for Windows 10
Let’s start
First check the jumpers on the P-NUCLEO-WB55 that must be as show in the image below.

Second, we assumed that you has installed on your PC the below tool:
- STM32CubeProg
For more info see the UM2237 – STM32CubeProgrammer software description
Third, download and unpack (wherever you want) the STM32CubeWB package (we used the ver.1.12.1) see below.

Verify the SW present on P-NUCLEO-WB55
Connect the P-NUCLEO-WB55 to your PC
Run the STM32CubeProg (we used the ver. 2.7.0)
From the page that appear press CONNECT, see below.

From the new page that appears press on the icon:

Now, from the new page that appears, press:
- Start FUS
- Read FUS
You must see:
FUS Versi… v1.2.0.0
see below.

FUS is a SW used for update the STM32WB series microcontrollers.
On STM32WB NUCLEO there is preprogrammed FUS sw.
Below there is a table with the actualy release of FUS (Agust.2021).

You will almost certainly have different indications, if so you have to update the FUS on the P-NUCLEO-WB55
Important NOTE:
The upgrade of FUS is possible but must respect the below table, see the AN5185 (pg.4).

Upgrade the FUS sw
For update the FUS enter in the directory where you had unzipped the STM32CubeWB, in our case is:
In this directory there are the binary files ready to use on the P-NUCLEO-WB55
and the documentation is present in the file named: Release_Notes.html
…/STM32WB/en.patch-cubewb_v1-12-1_v1.12.1/STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.12.0/Projects/STM32WB_Copro_Wireless_Binaries/STM32WB5x/Release_Notes.html see below.

The file that must be load on P-NUCLEO-WB55 is the:
and the address must be:
See below.

The stm32wb5x_FUS_fw_for_fus_0_5_3.bin file is located in the directory where you has unzipped the STM32CubeWB, in our case is in:

For upload the FUS, first do an ERASE by pressing on the icon:

At the end of the operation press:
- Browse and select the stm32wb5x_FUS_fw_for_fus_0_5_3.bin
- In the Start Add… write: 0x080EC000
- Next press Firmware Upgrade

Now press:
- Start FUS
- Read FUS
At the end, you should see a page similar to this below where it tells you that you have installed the FUS v.

In case of problems try to upload the:
FUS release note
Deprecated (empty file).
Firmware Upgrade Services (FUS)
This binary is the utility to flash the Wireless Coprocessor Binaries.
Latest version of the FUS to upgrade board containing only FUS v0.5.3
Firmware Upgrade Services (FUS)
This binary is the utility to flash the Wireless Coprocessor Binaries.
Latest version of the FUS