NanoVNA (Vector Network Analyzer) is an incredible low cost antenna analyzer for 50 ohm antenna impedance
There are different version that are very similar, we chose the NanoVNA V2 because is enclosed in a metal box and because the frequency range is: 50KHz – 3GHz.
You can buy it on the principal webstore, see for example here

The NanoVNA V2 measures the following:
- Reflection coefficient: S11
- Transmission coefficient: S21
The following items that can be calculated from these can be displayed:
- Return loss
- Insertion loss
- Complex impedance
- Resistance
- Reactance
- Smith chart – (for more info about the Smith chart see here)
Remember to make a calibration of NanoVNA before do a measure.
For do this follow the steps below:
Choose the range of frequencies where you need do the measure of your antenna or filter.
Next choose the calibration menu and do the short, open, load and thru calibration using the enclosed kit.
Next save it in the Memory 0
See this video from -> 15:50 min
It’s very important do the calibration for every range of frequencies that you need to use.
For understood the way to use the NanoVNA see this video.
Below is an example of connection an the acquisition made through the PC on an antenna “theoretically” calibrated on 868Mhz.

You can also measure a filter using the below connections.

- NanoVNA V2 official site is here
- The SW for the PC (Windows10 64bit) is here, other version (also for Linux) are here
- RF Choke (Balun 1:1) come misurarli con il NanoVNA – in Italian language
- RF Choke simple explanation is here