- printf, sprintf, fprintf, etc are here (in Italian Language)
- Guida al C (in Italian Language)
- Free Interactive C Tutorial
- C Introduction: Learn to compile and run C codes
- C Tutorial by TutorialsPoint
- C Tutorial – Learn C
- C Programming Tutorial – Learn C Programming with examples
- C tutorial
- Iniziare con STM32 (in ItalianLanguage)
- C programming for embedded system applications (STM32)
- C syntax
- Il linguaggio C (in Italian Language)
- C/Variabili, operatori e costanti (in Italian Language)
- Operatori logici (NOT !, AND &&, OR ||, ==, !=, ecc) (in Italian Language)
- Operatori sui bit ( | OR; & AND; ^ XOR; << Scorri a sinistra; >> Scorri a destra; ~ Complemento a uno.) (in Italian Language)
- C/Compilatore e precompilatore/Direttive (in Italian Language)
- UNIROMA Il linguaggio C (in Italian Language)
- Dichiarazioni di variabili (in Italian Language)
- Embedded C
- Embedded Systems/C Programming
- Embedded C (pdf)
- Embedded C++
- Developing Embedded Software in C
- Writing Efficient C Code for Embedded Systems
- Other references:
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