iHost sed email using Node-RED

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First we suggest you to read:
Node-RED e eWeLink Smart Home, addons for iHost
because is propedeutical for that we did below.

AddOns must be installed on iHost and Node-RED:

  • Install Node-RED into iHost, see our tutorial that explain the procedure that is here
  • Install node-red-node-email into Node-Red.
    Do the standard procedure for install addons (into Node-RED) using menu Manage Palette
  • We use GMAIL with two-step verification and App Password, see this video


Choose email icon and drag and drop on the desk of the Node-RED.

Double click on it and configure as shown below.

TO: is the destination email
USERID: is the email account used for send email
PASSWORD: is the password that you has generated using the App Password

Now for test your configuration you can make a simple example shown below.

After you DEPLOY your configuration, if you press the square button on the icon INJECT you send the email.